Support us

Grace City Bible School is about equipping Christians to be knowledgeable in the Scriptures and to be effective in service.
This school is unique as it gives in depth biblical teaching, practical ministry training, academic pastoral care, one to one mentoring, training and tutoring to students who may be leaders, stewards, deacons or church members.
To continue to achieve our aims, we appeal for support by way of financial gift contributions to the Grace City Bible School Fund
Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you to all who have made contributions to this fund. We would like to encourage this to continue by encouraging all who read this appeal to make donations toward our school fund if able. Grace City Bible School doesn’t receive any government funding. Student’s fees solely fund the school. Hence our appeal is to benefactors to come alongside us, to promote this unique training of Christians that we offer. Please give a one-off donation or regularly as you a re able
The GCBS FUND consists of
- Student Bursary Fund for students who need financial support to pay their fees. In the year 2021, bursaries were given to students who applied for the fund. Often students are also led to make payments towards the fees of specific students.
- Pastors Bursary Fund to assist pastors and church leaders abroad who need financial support in paying fees.
- School Fund which supports the administrative running of the bible school so as to keep student fees at a reasonable and affordable level.
Gift contributions will also enable us set up Bible Schools in other parts of the world. Currently we are setting up a Bible School in other nations.
If you would like to make a gift now, you can do so by:
– Clicking on the Donate Now button below
– Make an online donation. See Bank account details in the next column
– Send us a cheque addressed to Grace City Bible School
– Contact us today for more information
Please Donate today by clicking the button below
Our Bible School account details
Grace City Bible School
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code 30-92-45
Account Number 43707460
IBAN GB42LOYD30924543707460
REF. Your name/School Fund or
Your Name/Gift
Thank you