Study with us
Grace City Bible School invites applications for the 2022 – 2023 Academic Year from interested Christians who desire to expand their Bible knowledge and understanding of Christian doctrine. The Bible School program is a four – year part time course in which students will be taught in depth, the Word of God and encouraged to cultivate a strong life of devotion and worship, grow in spiritual maturity and receive training for effective Christian service and leadership.
This course is for pastors, leaders and all Christians who wish to receive training to become effective ministers/leaders; and all who wish to be grounded in the word of God for Christian service in all areas.
whos eligible

To be eligible an applicant must be willing and able to devote the necessary time to attend the Course. Courses take place on a monthly basis. Lectures are usually held once a month, usually the last Saturday from 9:00am to 4pm. However, in a few months, lectures are held twice.
There are also two tutorials which take place during the term (i.e. a peer tutorial and a one to one tutorial – taken at a time suitable for the students). These are taken online via zoom. Students must also be committed to completing their assessments and reading through their Student Readers and other reading materials posted on the student portal.
We will be welcoming Applications to study in person at the Grace City Bible School for 2022/23. Venue for our lectures is Christians in Action Church, Bingham Road, Addiscombe, CR0 7DF.
Distance learners must commit to attending all lectures being mindful of time differences and that our lectures will be in UK
Distance learners must also commit to our Bible School’s term time structure, tutorial times and to complete the course.
(If applying for distance learning, please state so)
People from any educational background or level can study at Grace City Bible School.
Students who may be dyslexic or have a learning difficulty are welcome.
Mature and elderly students are also encouraged to study here. Students at any point in time, can discuss their learning support with the Head of School. Suitable arrangements will be made to cater for all students.
Due to Corona Virus and other restrictions, some lectures may have to be taken through the Online Platform- (Zoom). Outside these restrictions of which students will be notified, lectures will take place in person at given venues. Distance learners will receive the Online link to join us in our lectures.

Apply today
For a deeper study of the Word of God for effective Christian ministry and for excellence in Biblical training, consider enrolling at the Grace City Bible School.
Coronavirus Restrictions
Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, government restrictions may affect onsite lectures. The Bible School will continue all lectures and tutorials on our online platforms so that students will be able to fully participate in every aspect of their studies here at the Bible School.
Please apply now to secure entrance as late applications made in September may not be accepted due to over subscription. School starts on the last Saturday of September by which time student’s admission, interview and orientation processes have been done.
The process of application involves filling out an application form and a prospective student may be asked to come for an interview. So kindly request for an application form as soon as possible if you are interested in joining the Bible School in September 2022 . There is no Application form on this website. Application forms will be sent out to those who request by email.
The school will commence with an Orientation Evening on Friday, 16th of September 2022 for new entrants and lectures begin on Saturday, 24th of September 2022.
To be eligible for any of our courses you must be at least 18 years old and demonstrate fluency in English, able to read and write and computer literate. A reference from your pastor, elder or member of your church may be asked for.
The School aims to provide training for all applicants who demonstrate the potential to benefit from its provision. It seeks to offer training to applicants from a range of diverse backgrounds. As all teaching, learning and assessment at the School is through the medium of English, to facilitate full and effective participation, all applicants will be required to demonstrate that they meet the required level of English language competency.
International applicants wishing to gain admission to the School in order to study must meet and possess the appropriate UK immigration requirements in force at the time of entry onto the course.
The applicant is responsible for ensuring that the School is in receipt of all information pertinent to making a decision on their application and that all information is accurate. Omission of relevant information, or the supply of inaccurate information, may invalidate the application or the offer of a place.
Applicants will be selected on the basis of their application and, where appropriate, through the use of Interviewing. Information will be collected and used only in accordance with the School’s Data Protection Policy.
The Enrolment fee is payable when a student receives a letter of acceptance. It covers an academic year September – July. Enrolment fees are non refundable. The current enrollment fee is £15.
Fees are payable upon receiving a letter of acceptance and before a student comes for the first lecture. Current Fees for 2022 – 2023 are £200 per term (X 3 terms). Termly fees are payable at the start of each term.
The Enrolment and Fees must be paid in pounds sterling (GBP) by BACS payments online. All Fees are subject to annual review and the bible school reserves the right to amend previously announced fees, if necessary.
Grace City Bible School is currently unable to give grants to students. We are building up our School Fees Funds for the purpose and any financial support towards this is appreciated. However, students may still request for financial consideration of reduced payment of fees

If you are interested in studying at Grace City Bible School, you are invited to attend an Open Morning. Here you will observe a lecture in progress. You will also be able to meet an academic tutor and ask any questions on what to expect whilst studying here.
The next set of dates for the Opening Mornings to take place will be next year April and May 2023
Grace City Bible School invites the general public to Seminar on topical issues. Look out for our invitations to join in our seminars
Previous Seminars

Courses on Offer

Our teaching modules and training are designed primarily for church members. We currently do not offer degrees or post-graduate qualifications. Our lecturers and academic tutors are men and women of integrity, sound in Bible knowledge and experience in ministry who will equip Christians at whatever level to have a good and extensive understanding of God’s Word and will offer practical hands on training to equip Christians for service in any aspect of ministry.
Grace City Bible School offers a three-year part time Bible Study Course with the option of choosing to study additional subjects (such as Israel and the Church) or coming back to study subjects already taken once again at a huge discount.
At the end of the 3rd year, successful students will receive a Completion Certificate for the 3rd year and an overall Grace City Bible School Graduation Certificate

Year 1 - Certificate in Christian Doctrine and Kingdom Lifestyle.
Subjects taught:-
• Doctrine 1 Christian Doctrine, The Triune God, Christology 1, Pneumatology (Doctrine of the Holy Spirit)
• Doctrine 2 Christology 2 (Christophany), Covenants and Dispensation, Eternal States
• Doctrine 3 Doctrine of Scripture, Angels, Satan and Demonology
• Doctrine 4 Soteriology (Doctrine of Salvation)
• Discover your Ministry Portfolio Christian calling, your ministry, spiritual gifts, vision and goals
• Spiritual Maturity & Kingdom Lifestyle (Christian Life, Character, Singleness, Marriage, Divorce and Parenthood)
• Praise and Worship (including Developing one’s walk with God, Corporate worship, the Priesthood of believers, Hebrew and Greek Words for Worship, Survey of Worship in the Bible, the Tabernacle of David)
At the end of the 1st year, successful students will receive a Completion Certificate

Year 2 - : Certificate in Biblical Studies, the Church and Kingdom Leadership.
Subjects taught
• Old Testament Bible Survey
• New Testament Bible Survey
• The New Testament Church
• Church Ministry and Life
• Kingdom Leadership (Church Government, Character & Leadership development, Office & Ministry of the Elder)
• Team Ministry
At the end of the 2nd year, successful students will receive a Completion Certificate
Interested students can apply at any time to read this subject.
Subjects taught and discussed:
- Jews, their biblical history
- Israel’s political history up to the modern day
- Israel’s history with the Church
- The Holocaust
- The covenants given to Abraham
- The identity of Israel
- The feasts of Israel and their prophetic significance
- Romans chapters 9 – 11
- The Current Palestinian issues
- Historical prophecies fulfilled
- Prophecies yet to be fulfilled
- Future events and the end times
- Daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy Daniel Ch 9
- Daniel chapters 2, 7, 8, 11 and 12
- Studies on passages of Ezekiel and Zechariah
- Our Debt to Israel
- Praying For Israel
At the end of the study, successful students will receive a Completion Certificate

Year 3 - : Certificate in Christian Ministry
Subjects taught
• The Ascension Gifts
• Prayer, Intercession and Spiritual Warfare
• World Missions and Discipleship
• Women in Ministry
• Public Speaking, Teaching & Preaching
• The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
• Knowing and Understanding the Times
• Types and Shadows (The tabernacle of Moses)
• Pastoral Care
At the end of the 3rd year, successful students will receive a Completion Certificate
IN ADDITION THE Certificate of Graduation from Grace City Bible School
is given at the end of the 4th Year
methods of study
The course will be taught through a combination of lectures and independent study. Independent study will involve student’s individual study, own research and reading, together with peer/collaborative work and discussions with an academic tutor. Lectures will disseminate key bible knowledge, but there will be a mix of taught input and discussion. Taught input will be supported by the Student Readers’ provided by the lecturer (s), as well as Course Handbooks, mp3 recordings of lectures, class hand outs enabling students to build their own study guide.
Students are to attend lectures which are held on one Saturday of each month, usually the last Saturday. This is a day’s attendance from 9am to 4pm with a lunch break in between and tea breaks.
Learning support and Academic Tutors
The Academic Board allocates an academic Tutor to each student. Tutors and students are expected to arrange time in a term for ‘consultation’ and tutorials. Academic tutors are available for individual consultation, reviewing student’s reflective journals, academic support, tutor group discussions, giving general advice and prayer support.

Resources Made Available For Students
Student Readers, Class handouts, DVDs, online blogs, Links to helpful and relevant websites.
> Class lectures in person or Online
> Lecture manuals
> Class discussions/ seminars
> One to One academic support
> Tutorials
> Course work
> Independent study
> Collaborative and/or Peer Work
> Student’s Reflective Journal
> Formative and Summative Assessments
> Memory verses
> Student Portal
> Study materials, Readers, Course Hanbooks
> Student blogs, Student forum, Mp3s
> Practical Training
> Mentoring