Students, tutors and staff of the Grace City Bible School are free to share words of encouragement, thoughts, prayers, poems etc. here.
Please keep your blog to a maximum of not more than 450 words. You can also share as few words as you wish. Please give a title to your blog.
Do feel free to respond to blogs already posted, stating the Title Reference, Date of blog and name of the blogger you are responding to.
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BLOGS 2020
3rd December 2020
A word of encouragement – Dwell!
By Pastor Patsy Ferreira
Dear saints, we all recognise that the lockdown period (particularly lockdown 1) has been a ‘pause’ moment with God, a holding place and opportunity for Him to have our full attention; and I sense God wants to strengthen and continue to encourage us from that place.
My recent study in the Third Year about the Secret Place has stirred my heart with fresh desire to dwell and linger long in the place of His presence. (Psalm 91:1; Matt 6:6). I sense the pull of Fathers heart to draw us still deeper, into deeper communion, where we are, once again, captivated to gaze and to behold the beauty of His glory (Psalm 27:4).
God is in the process of shaking things in the earth so that what remains is unshakable. He is also shaking some things from us so that so that what remains in us is unshakable! Unshakable faith, hope, strength, joy, etc, because we are so deeply rooted in the captivating place of His presence!
Today is a fresh opportunity to step into Gods eternal purpose for the ‘now’. God is desiring the ones who dwell in the secret place to be refilled, refreshed, reset and then released!
As you linger in the secret place of His presence, it’s the place of transformation and where ‘become’ more like Him (Rom 12:1-2).
It’s where the noise, opinions and expectations of the world fade as you submerge in to the greater depths of His Spirit to hear His still small voice!
It’s where He opens the eyes of your heart, to see like never before, the new things He is doing (Isa 26:8) and yield to His direction and instruction.
It’s the place where we get to know Him more, to ‘just be’ with the Father.
It’s an exciting place because as you discover more of Him and what He desires of you, He then releases you into the world (out of your ‘being’ comes your’ ‘doing’), where we are called to make the difference. Sometimes in just the small ways, but significant nonetheless.
So may you linger in the secret place to receive all the Father desires for each day, then go out and live Him ‘loud’ in your life. There are those who are waiting for the saints to arise. There are those that are waiting to hear the heart of God through you. And, as each one does his part, God is fulfilling His will, His Kingdom purposes in the earth though us!
‘Lord, we thank You for Your invitation to dwell with You. Would You reset our hearts in this moment. Father our eyes are fixed in You. We come to dwell and linger, so we might know You more, and to be carriers of Your heart and desire in the earth. Holy Spirit, would You lead us and order our steps to obediently carry out all that we are instructed each day, we pray in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!’
25th November 2020
A Reflection on my phone, distraction and victory
By Elizabeth
This is a revelation for me about where my attention and focus have been and I feel
led to share it as it may be of value to someone in their walk with the Lord.
I woke with a start one morning in July this year, I had a long dream and in the last scene I was falling into a mud pit. To say I was disturbed was an understatement. I reflected on it for a few days,
coming before the Lord with fasting and prayer as to what I was doing; examining myself where I knew there were things that were not of Him, and asking Him to show me what this was. The one I felt was not giving Him first fruits in my devotions, not giving Him the best of my day, the best of me. My time spent on worship, prayer and Scripture had diminished gradually and unnoticed by me.
I adjusted my whole routine, to give Him my time and my attention. This deepened my relationship with Him again.
I have been having visions this year, symbols of gold, fire, light and precious jewels, a living, awe-inspiring manifestation of God’s glory.
In September There were visions of my smart phone screen as I look at it, and there were many different, ugly creatures – demonic. God was showing me what I am defiling myself with when I look at unnecessary things, even though they are all good but are time wasting. I realise now that I was constantly distracted by social media, the news, Covid, my bank account etc. I found that it disconnected me from my Life Source in a noticeable way.
Also in these visions, God showed me: there was a lion walking out of its den roaring. Behind the lion was, what looked like a machine gun, firing directly at me. The lion walked away and the
vision ended.
1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your
adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
The machine gun fire symbolised spiritual warfare, and continued on in my visions. There was something else that I was doing to cause this gun to be fired at me.
18 Nov 20
I had a dream and the one scene was, I was running, I had to get home and was running down a hill in the dark, and alongside the road was little shops with coloured lights in the windows and my eyes were drawn to the coloured lights, wondering what was in the shops. I didn’t stop running though, I kept going.
I realised that what the Lord was showing me was that I was being distracted and wasting time. So I laid my phone, which had become an idol, aside as much as I could, checking less for messages and keeping it all to a minimum. I stopped going down “rabbit holes” when on the internet, of being led from one site to another, more out of curiosity than necessity.
19 Nov 20 I had a vision and it was the same den. I could see the face of the lion, it then walked out of the den looked around. Then it went back in and the door covered over, so it was closed.
There was no gun firing at me. Hallaluyah! I was astounded. I thought spiritual warfare came from the enemy using people, so this was a revelation for me.
23 Nov 20 I had a vision of the same lion’s den on a hillside. In the den was the lion, I could see his head so he must’ve been lying down, he was roaring lazily but not moving out, and no gun firing at me.
Hallaluyah again!
22nd September 2020
Repairing and rebuilding our churches by Liz Scott Dawkins
I read the Milton Brown article below:
Yes, I agree that we must be the remnant.
I would like to share another example of a remnant ;
Ezra 9:8-9 “ And now for a little while grace has been shown from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a peg in His Holy place, that our God may enlighten our eyes and give us a measure of revival in our bondage.
For we were slaves. Yet our God did not forsake us in our bondage; but He extended mercy to us in the sight of the Kings of Persia, to revive us, to repair the house of our God, to rebuild its ruins, and to give us a wall in Judah and Jerusalem.”
Ezra continues about the sin of the people.
Going on to Nehemiah 8. All the people had gathered and Ezra brought the Law and he read from it from morning until midday and the ears of the people were attentive to the Book of the Law.
V9 And Nehemiah, who was the governor, Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, “ this day is holy to the LORD your God; do not mourn nor weep.” For all the people wept, when they heard the words of the Law.
I feel this is so similar to our situation as we eventually move out of lockdown (bondage). I believe the Lord is repairing and rebuilding our Churches and the Body of Christ world wide in this time of Covid. As we come together we may find we are the remnant, that many have fallen away and when we come together to read Scripture it will like those who gathered to hear Ezra read the Law; they wept and bowed down to the ground to worship the Lord.
I pray that God is raising up a stronger even more beautiful Bride and who will be hungry for more and more of His word and thirsty for more and more of His Holy Spirit; to bring revival and salvation of those who through this crisis met our Lord and Saviour. All to the Glory of God as He builds His Church and His Kingdom. In the name of Jesus, Amen
Do feel free to respond to this blog if you wish.
4th January 2020
Are you part of the Remnant? BY MILTON BROWN
A remnant, in the Bible, can be defined as: a small number of people who remain faithful to God and so are saved.
The idea of the remnant is seen throughout the Bible. The story of Noah and his family, being one of the most notable of the examples of a small band of people’s faithfulness in the face of opposition and rampant scepticism.
The Bible teaches that everything is written ‘for our admonition’
(1 Cor. 10-11), which means we should take note.
But, how do you see yourself in this respect – are you a part of the remnant of your generation? In Malachi 3:16, we see the characteristics of the remnant, during wholesale spiritual indifference from the descendants of the Judeans who had returned from the 70 years captivity. However, among them was a very special group of people, who so impressed God with their faithfulness, He ordered that a special Book of Remembrance be written to commemorate them.
What did they do? Malachi 3:16 tells us the answer:
‘Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honoured his name.’
They heard the word; they discussed it, they acted on the message and, in so doing, they honoured God.
This, in some ways, reminds me of the Berean Jews, who ‘received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.’ (Act 17:11).
It would appear that a key characteristic of the remnant is an eagerness to receive the word, examine it and act upon it. The Apostle Paul has, therefore, urged us to be as the Bereans in our daily walk:
Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (2Timothy 2:15).
If that is you, then welcome to the fold of the remnant, and rejoice greatly because the Lord has your name written in His Book of Remembrance.
Milton Brown
Do feel free to respond to this blog if you wish.
BLOGS, 2019
Friday 18th October 2019
Word of Encouragement by Pastor Patsy Ferreira
Dear saints, as a people who are not just truth seekers but truth keepers (proclaimers). God has called us forth in this generation to hold out His light, that the world might not just see Jesus but be drawn to know Him. There is a remnant of people God is raising up in this hour, the true worshippers who will not be satisfied where they are, who will not compromise or be influenced by the culture or things of this world (Rom 12:1-2). You see, God is busy working on the inside, tearing down those mindsets and long held beliefs to transform your heart to carry His! He’s raising up a people who would long to glean His heart and to proclaim His kingdom. The ones who carry His presence and His authority into the highways and byways bringing His rule. The ones who are not afraid to speak His will and purposes. Know that you are a part of what God is now doing (right now in the earth). We have shifted onto a new era, it calls for the radical lovers of God who know Him and long to see the fulfilment of all He has spoken for our generation. May the burning fire of His Spirit propel you into a new desire to see His kingdom come and His will be done in the places He has set us to bring His order.
‘Lord we thank You now for the progressive unfolding of Your truth in our lives. We long to see Your kingdom come on earth as in heaven and You have given us the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Show us how to work under the inspiration of your Spirit to bring forth Your will and purposes. Thank You for loving and using us. We Your church rise up in faith to hear Your word and direction. Strip away the things that hinder and make us more like You so the world can see Jesus and be saved. We pray this in Jesus mighty name. Amen!’
BLOGS, 2015
29th November 2015
Clothed in Christ by Debbie Mc Sween
I have been thinking of the amazing work of God and His infinitely perfect plan. Going through the tabernacle as the type and shadow of the perfect things to come through Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour – we are reminded that in the Garden of Eden, after the fall, Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves with fig leaves (probably not knowing that the consequences of their actions affected not only primarily their relationship with God, but relationship with mankind and also with all the earth). They sought their own covering, which by human standards, will always fall short of God’s standard and requirement.
So God Himself (probably Jesus Christ, for we know that no man has ever seen God at any time) – 1 John 4:12 – No one has seen God at any time. Exodus 33:20 – But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.” … Jesus Himself slaughters an animal in the Garden of Eden and covers them (Jesus thus makes the first ever and last required sacrifice). The penalty of sin, (for the wages of sin is death), covered by the blood of an animal sacrifice – For as God says Leviticus 17:11 – the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.
God stops Adam dying so he is not separated from God for all eternity, and executes His plan, established from before the foundation of world between the Godhead, having already made provision of a perfect blood sacrifice which was to come.
But not only does God make provision for life through the blood, He makes provision to re-cloth the sinner. In the Garden of Eden the skin of the animal was used to cover them – Genesis 3:21 – Also for Adam and his wife the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them.
What a perfect God! Why do I say that? Because the clothing we lost in the garden, the reason we became naked and were ashamed, God wants to re-cloth us with that heavenly clothing. We know that the blood of animals is insufficient for the remission of sin – Hebrews 10:4 – For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins. So too the covering of an animal (or a fig leaf) or any human thinking, is insufficient to cover us.
With the Tabernacle, the boards of the tabernacle were made of Acacia wood representing humanity and covered in gold representing divinity. God showing us a picture of what was to come. Yet even in the tabernacle, where the type falls down is that underneath the gold it was still wood. In the Garden of Eden, even though covered in animal skin, underneath was still humanity. But this is the beauty and wisdom of God…
… He not only once and for all gives a perfect blood sacrifice – Matthew 26:28 – For this is My blood of the new covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins, but also covers us with His divinity. (The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus). We put on Christ – Romans 13:14 – But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfil its lusts. Not only on the outside, as with the skin or gold, but working from within by the power of the Holy Spirit, from within the human heart, mind and soul. The Spirit of God transforms our thinking by the word of God, changes our heart of stone to flesh, made as a new creation in His image until we become like Him. 2 Corinthians 3:18 – But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.
As we are being sanctified, and despite our sins and our sin nature, Christ Himself is not ashamed to call us His brothers and sisters (Hebrews 10:11- For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren). So now we are washed by the blood of the lamb and have put on Christ, we should walk like we are wearing royal robes. So this Christmas forget the fashion designers like Coco Chanel, Giorgio Armani, Donatella Versace, … even designers from Primark or George … they do not even compete to wearing Jesus Christ!
3rd November 2015
A Dream by Ted Dearlove
I dreamt several of us, before the service had started, were already worshipping in Spirit and truth.
Expressing our great love and adoration to our great God whom we know so well.
Because we really knew the depth that we have been forgiven and how much we are really loved by the great creator of the universe.
And because we trust him TOTALLY with our lives, in all areas.
Having great faith to believe all his promises.
And falling down at his feet humbly receiving great power to do great impossible things for the expansion of his marvellous Kingdom here onearth.
I saw that several of us worshippers were up about 30 feet in the air like trapeze artists
Whirling around faster and faster brandishing firebrands, going still faster until we were
Balls Of fire of pure love, zeal and adoration.
Red yellow and blue balls of ignited love and passion extreme .
Then I thought God is pure love and he was enjoying this outlandish worship, with no holds barred.
Completly consumed with love for our father
It reminded me of David as he danced before God.
God wants us all to be people after his own heart !
The scriptures say in Hebrews 12:29
For our God is a consuming fire
So I thought when burning love meets burning love there is bound to be an amazing all consuming embrace.How can one then return from that ?
Oh that first love is to continue !
Psalm 104:4 ..who makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire
Jeremiah 20:9….Then I said I would not make mention of him
But his word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones
I was weary of holding it back but I could not.
Later he say …But the Lord is with me ,the mighty awesome one!.
We need not just to know it but it has to become our experience in life
So our experience lines up with scripture rather than bringing scripture down to our experiences.
Ted has further given us a link to look at
18 October 2015
In Spirit and in truth by Ted Dearlove
I count as nothing my praises to you
For they don’t come near to the mark
For your vastness and greatness surpasses
What I esteem as light is just dark
When I run out of words to appraise you
I just stand open mouthed with a grin
How can I ever,ever mistrust you
For you know where I end and begin
I will worship you in mind,body and spirit
In truth,cause I know who you are
Your the lamb who shed your blood for me
And has taken me thus far
I know there is nothing
Of myself I can ever esteem
So I prostrate myself at your feet Lord
To my God ,my Jesus ,unseen
I know when I leave this earth Lord
A new body I will receive
Then I will worship you in fullness
Yes with ever increasing degrees
But while I’m on this earth in this body
Where times short with work to do
I will tell every man women and creature
To look up and look to you
11 October 2015
To the glorious army of God by Ted Dearlove
Sing to the Lord a new song,a new poem,words of praise of excellence to a worthy almighty King who broods over his children as a mother hen.
Corn is stored in the storehouse of his word.Gorge upon it!
Praise the living word for his faithfulness to all who seek him
Oh citizens of heaven lift up your heads,shake the world from your clothes,array yourselves in raiments of fine white linen and purge your mind of thoughts of this world.
Let’s go up to the mountain to new and glorious pastures.
The King is waiting to direct us further on.
Dwell in his city of Yes and Amen!
Bask in the glory of his love,go forward,go forward brave soldier and do not look back.
Clothed in him you are invincible,great exploits you will see as the Lord fights on your behalf.
Oh glory,glory,glory hold your banner high for King Jesus who loves to be enthroned in your heart,you will not be shaken.
Precept upon precept,promise upon promise,we fight the good fight and Glory in his presence.leading us to the lost and forsaken to share the good news! Of Christ our King.Usher them in through the door marked acceptance and freedom.
No matter what comes your way rejoice,rejoice,rejoice ,because our King has overcome the world.
Reap blessings upon blessings and sit at the feet of your loving father and learn to be a soldier ,a citizen of heaven right here on earth ,conveying the good news in power.
Come up further,there’s more,come up further,there’s more ,come up further there is even more,come up further into the Glory of his Mighty stupendous love.
Go still further.Do not say I will settle here and build an epitaph !
Go further and agree with our Lord.
Oh the inheritance ! Oh the inheritance we have !
Reap,reap and reap the blessings,scoop up the rewards.
Fill you jars with oil.Be filled to overflowing when the bridegroom our Jesus comes knocking.
Be ready,be ready for it will be swift.
Oh you saints,don’t settle for less.
Let’s boldly go under the unction of the Holy Spirit where no one had been before,for God is with us and for us.
Let him lead you for he is the commander of armies to seek vengeance on the enemy on our behalf.
How can we be shaken as we are seated with Christ,We in him,him in us and us in the father.
We will shake the enemy and his lies he will be scattered.
Break through Into the open plains,rise up my beloved and soar like a golden eagle and see the world as it really is.
Be a game changer using heavens rules.
The rules are,you always win in Christ!!
We are winners
We are blessed with every spiritual blessing
We are the head and not the tail
We are above and not below
We are rich and not poor
We are positive and not negative
We are strong and not weak
We are courageous and not afraid
We are bold and not timid
We are Kingdom focused and not world focused.
We are the offensive army of God proclaiming the good news to a lost and dying world.
Let’s rise up beloved of God and thwart the enemy while there is still time.
Seek me while their is still time.
11 October 2015
Hello it’s me again,
Just wanted to tell you
I love you with a burning love you cannot imagine,I need you,I want you
I miss you,please come into my chambers and spend more time with me,
Don’t you still want me ?
Am I not first place in your heart anymore ?
what happened to our first love ?
Remember who you are
Please look on me ,do you not want me anymore ?
Did you think I let you down?
Remember who you are
Oh! I could never let you down,trust me,
Have you been listening to those lies again ?
It’s just that I believe you have forgotten who you are
Let’s try again please…….
My heart yearns for you,
I’m still here , I love you to death !
You are still a jewel in my crown….you know
I’m always thinking about you my darling one
Please come to me early and let’s talk and reason together.
I am love sick for you … know,
You have ravished my heart,
Come and drink deeply of my love again,
And remember who you are
I will always love you even to the bitter end.
I want to lavish my love on you,
Why are you so preoccupied ?
Have you found someone else ……am I not good enough anymore?
Please tell me I am still yours,
you are still mine,
You know my love is better than wine,
I want to hold you,touch you,speak to you of wondrous things.
Oh,don’t hold back my darling.
Rise up again my love,
I’m coming back for you my bride,
Will you lay down the filthy worldly things ?
I did die for you,
Will you give up all other affections for me?
I love you
I want to remind you of who you are
Your King and and your future husband xxxxx
Dear All
I have been having some dreams about swimming in deep waters recently, where I can neither see very clearly, nor can I find what I am looking for. On waking God’s words which He gave to me a little while ago immediately comes to mind – ‘I will cause you to walk on water’. In one of the dreams Christ is swimming in the depths and gives me air by floating through me.
So why am I posting this blog … because today I feel that we are in a period of time where we really need to press in; some of us have new challenges or decisions to make that we are confused about and cannot see clearly; perhaps, I believe some of us are challenged where the battle is on a spiritual level and there is nothing we can do about it except pray, press in to the Word of God and trust Him.
The song ‘You call me out upon the waters … the great unknown … where feet may fail’ sprung to mind – He is the one who upholds us. As Peter got out of the boat to walk on water what sustained him for that second? His eyes were fixed on Jesus! He makes us stand upon that water, He is the one that overcomes and, indeed, already has done.
‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding’
I believe that God has His hands outstretched towards us but allowing us as toddlers to take that step towards Him. We fail because we don’t try or only try in part, perhaps we don’t believe His voice as He calls us and calms us, we fail because we don’t press in (maybe I am speaking only to myself in this). I/We need to realise that God is the air we breathe and in the depths of the water we hang on to Him like an oxygen tank, grasping to Him for life knowing that even in the depths of the great unknown Christ is our light to help us see, our wisdom to understand, our power to overcome, our heart to love, our strength to endure and the very air of our existence.
Jesus has promised to help us if we trust Him (and if there is one person who I know keeps their promise, its God!), If we seek Him with all our heart we will find HIm. So I encourage you to step out in unchartered territory, remember there is nothing new under the sun. He will lead us – For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you’ – Isaiah 41:13.
So cast your bread upon the waters, try and give it all you have. If you are struggling, seek advise from our elders for ‘the words of the wise are like goads and the wisdom of scholars like well driven nails given by one Shepherd’ – Ecclesiastes 12:11
I believe God is saying to us to step out, step up, press in, for the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. We may not know what we are doing or even how we got here but He will go before us and make the crooked places straight.
I also believe that God wants to speak to us all more about this subject. Having not sent this email (God intervened and it did not get send yesterday) He showed me more about another battle which I can physically do nothing about but the souls of two individuals are in the balance. The battle is on a spiritual level and I need to press in to what God wants to happen. My brothers and sisters I pray God continue to reveal to us all we need for wisdom and understanding to do as we are called according to His purpose for us, to shower us with spiritual gifts to aid the Body and increase in us, as One Body, Light of Christ that draws all men.
‘In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths’
God bless family
Looking forward to see you at Bible School soon x
As children of God We should know who our Father is!! God is the same yesterday today forever. The God who helped Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God who spoke to Moses; the God who spoke to Noah – is the SAME God today! He tells us He will never leave us nor forsake us! So please- God is unchangeable, God has no beginning or end, therefore He cannot change – we do!
“For I, the LORD, do not change..” Malachi 3:6
Blessings! Marlene
BLOGS, 2014
Whilst studying Hosea, a passage came to my attention and since, it keeps stirring in my mind. Hosea 9:10 says : “I saw your forefathers as the earliest fruit on the fig tree in its first season”. This brought me to the Gospels and the story of Jesus cursing a fig tree because it didn’t have any fruits (Mark 11:12-13; Matthew 21:18-22) . It is to know that the fruit of fig tree appear before the leaves. So even if it was early in the season, one could reasonably expect to find fruits. Moreover, those fruits are green and blend with the foliage until they are almost ripe. I believe that it was a prophetic act from Christ, to reveal to Israel that contrary to their forefathers, they do not bear fruits. They may have the appearance of it but God knows the truth and will eventually expose it. True for Israel, it is true for Christians.
Nadia B.
This scripture really encouraged me”But He gives more grace. Therefore He says:“God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”James 4:6 (nkjv)
This verse throughout the haze of busyness over the last few weeks, has kept me going. His grace has undoubtedly carried me through, and anytime I try and do anything under my own strength I just remember that I don’t want God to resist me. He is so good, and He continuously blesses me with His grace, if I stay humble and don’t let myself takeover.
This is just a short blog to say coming from a church where no love, encouragement, friendship was shown but condemnation was normal and coming into a family who truly cares, loves and know you is truly a blessing. Sometimes I pinch myself ,”am I really here?”
“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity”
Psalms 133:1, Blessings! Marlene
It is truly a privilege to study the Word of God, entering into a relationship to know all about our Creator and study the Living Word taking you deeper into an understanding of who He is. Not just reading it but getting it deep into your heart and asking the Holy Spirit to illuminate the Word.
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path”
Psalms 119:105, Blessings! Marlene
Greetings all, the bible encourages us to know the word of God and spread it, and in order to do this we need to know the word for ourselves, which is why it is so important that we are in Bible school, I have found the more I read the Bible and get deep in to my studies, the more alive the word becomes! even when I find it hard to motivate myself to read or I feel I am tired, I still receive something.
2 Timothy chapter 4 verse 2 advises us to “preach the word, be ready in season and out of season. Convince, Rebuke, Exhort, will all long suffering and teaching”
Therefore my prayer is that we are ready to receive wisdom, knowledge, and revelation, on every occasion in and out of bible school, that God will open our hearts and minds for word. Also that in Gods time through studying we are able to pass on his message accurately to enlarge the Kingdom, for the glory of God
Kind Regards, Shanna Pott
Dear Jesus, Thank you for Your presence in our lives today. We come to You, as we depend on You, for Your strength is made perfect in all our weaknesses. Come and unfold Your purposes for us today. You see the things that have settled on us in our lives, breathe upon us a measure of Your Spirit that we might be filled. That the name of our Father may be hallowed in our areas of influence and that His will be done. That you, Christ Jesus, may be made known for who You are, by a people who love and serve You and are walking with You in Spirit and in truth. Amen
Blog by Shanna Pott
During my prayer meeting this week, which is held on a Thursday, I felt God leading me to the Book of Proverbs, Chapter 3, which for me is like a set of instructions and encouragement on righteous living. As we read on to verse 13, it states,
“Happy is the man who finds wisdom and gains understanding, for her proceeds are better than the profits of silver and her gain than fine gold. She is more precious than rubies, and all that you desire cannot compare to her, length of days is in her right hand, in her left are riches and honour. Her ways are ways of pleasantness and her paths are of peace. She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her and happy are all who retain her.
This passage shows me that if even if I have all my desires and all the riches I will never be truly happy, I will never be truly rich. I cannot have a guaranteed long life or even peace! However we have a promise that if we are searching God’s wisdom and seeking His understanding from His word, we WILL find peace, and happiness; be rich beyond imagination and feed from the Tree of Life!
My prayer is that we choose God’s wisdom and try to lean not on our own understanding. Praise God for the bible that gives us wisdom and knowledge. Thank you God also for Grace City Bible School, that teaches and encourages us in Your Word and Wisdom. Amen x
A PERSONAL INSIGHT INTO PSALM 139:1-18 by Ted Dearlove
I had a dream last night and in this dream a lady was able to design and create her own child.
She was so excited and attentive to the design, carefully selecting the best of everything for her child.
As I awoke I realized that God designed and made me. The Word of God says, He knitted me in my
mother’s womb. “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb’ Psalm 139:13
Today I read Psalm 139:1-18
O Lord you have searched me and KNOWN me
You know my sitting and my rising up,
You understand my thoughts afar off,
You comprehend my path and my lying down,
And are acquainted with ALL my ways,
For there is not a word on my tongue,
But behold oh Lord, you know it all together.
You have hedged me behind and before,
And laid your hand upon me.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
It is high I cannot attain it.
Where can I go from your Spirit,
Or where can I flee from your presence,
If I ascend to the heaven, you are there,
If I make my bed in heaven, behold, you are there,
If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uppermost parts of the
Even there your hand shall lead me, And your right hand shall hold me.
If I say”Surely the darkness shall fall on me,”
Even the night shall be light about about me.
Indeed, the darkness shall not hide from you,
But the night shines like the day.
The darkness and the light are both alike to you.
For you formed my inward parts,
You covered me in my mothers womb,
I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made,
Marvelous are your works,
And that my soul knows very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
When I was made in secret,
And skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.
Your eyes saw my substance being yet unformed.
And in your book they were written,
The days fashioned for me,
When as yet there were none of them.
How precious are your thoughts to me oh God!
How great are the sum of them!
If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand,
When I awake, I am still with you.
I read a part of this Psalm and learnt this as a memory verse as part of my first year in bible school. Then I thought ‘yes this is true’. But this year I, by inspiration and experience know, that I know, that I know that IT IS AS the Word says.
How now can I not trust God completely and fully comply with everything that He wishes.
How now can I not bring everything in my life to obedience to my Lord and creator?
Only He can know best, and being my Daddy He has and always has had the best for me in mind.
All I want to do is praise and thank him for who He is. What happens in my life doesn’t really matter because He is in control. If things go wrong, He will bring it around for good, why, because He loves me with unimaginable love. The Word for me now feeds and fills me like it never did before. It is my mirror, it is my light, and it is my weapon and my true delight. Our father will bring us through all tests and trials and we’ll be in a better state than when we first went in.
I remember when I was first saved, all I wanted to do was to worship God, and this is the way it is for me today. Things of this world do not interest me, it will pass away.
I will look to storing up my treasures in heaven.
I stand victorious because of Jesus I stand as a priest and king because of Jesus.
I am an over comer because of Jesus.
I am prosperous because of Jesus
I can do all things because God said He will always be with me to back me up.
He will never leave me nor forsake me. He is just looking for yielded obedient vessels.
What an awesome, powerful, rich, loving dad we have.
Ted Dearlove
JULY 11, 2014
Blog By Cheryl
“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16 ESV
The studying of the Word of God, done over the last year must not be in vain. Let us be encouraged to meditate on all we have heard, go back and read our scriptures and refresh our memory verses. This way, the Word will dwell richly in us and become a part of our daily lives. Then, by His grace, can we teach others the things we now know and edify the body. I pray we become bold in our sharing and teaching of the Word in church and in the world around us. Cheryl
Life is filled with issues (marital, financial, health, work, relationship), sent to try or test us, there are two sides with vested interests God and Satan. Jesus stated, “in this world you will have many trials, but be of good cheer, I have over come the world.” The enemy is looking to deceive and ultimately destroy us, whilst God is looking for us to be strong and of good courage, allowing the testing to produce good in us, through us, and for us. SHALOM
There is nothing like getting closer to God in order to diminish stress. We are all sometimes over cumbered with things in life, find ourselves maybe taking on too much, or are just so busy. Sitting down and releasing all of your worries, anger, and other feelings to God can do a lot to lift off the burden of stress. Tell God about your circumstances and hand over all your burdens to him. The release of things into His hands does a lot to help you cope. God knows everything we go through, and always has an answer in his word. We just need to take the time to find it “ Matthew 11:28-30”
God is near.By Joshua S
He fills the rooms around us, where we are sitting or standing. His presence is everywhere. He is in the air above us and he is in the ground below our feet. He fills the highest heavens, the deepest seas, down to the core of the planet and out beyond the farthest galaxy. Yet he stands beside us, hearing every breath we take, he knows every hair on our bodies, noting every motion and every thought that comes from us. God is near. And all he wants from us is summed up in Matthew 22:37 “And He said to him, “YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND”. When we put God first our plans and purposes align with his, enabling us to walk the way he wants us to. Joshua.
Blog by Joshua
God’s awesome love for us
A relationship with God is like nothing that you would have experienced before. God has a unique kind of love for us. It is unconditional (not based upon meeting certain requirements or conditions) His love has no ending.
“In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us…” (1 John 4:9,10) He doesn’t love us based on how good we are at something or our credentials. There is nothing we can do to cause God to love us any more then he already does. We serve a mighty, awesome God who is worthy of everything. So an act of love to God which he deserves is our obedience to him and to his ways. Joshua
James 1:2-3 tells us “2 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.”(NKJV) Praise God that we have persevered so far in the bible school. Though many trials and challenges have come our way to sway and distract us, God’s grace and tender mercies have been sufficient to carry us through. He has enabled us to continue on, to be steadfast and focused.. So in all these things we must give God thanks and to know that, “joy of the lord is our strength” Nehemiah 8:10 Joshua
We take on so much, there is this internal struggle that if we don’t Do, nothing will get done. God does not want us distracted and excessively obsessed with the cares of this world. The Lion King came to my mind the other day, and I remembered this song “Hakuna Matata” that is a Swahili phrase translated as “No Worries” in English “no problem” akin to “don’t worry, be happy”. (Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6; 1st Peter 5:7; Jeremiah 32:17) God does not sleep! SHALOM
Matthew 14:22 – 28, Peter saw Jesus walking on water and requested, if it be you Lord, bid me come to you on the water. Jesus told him to come, and behold Peter walked on water! Unless you are willing to step out of that place that is comfortable you may never walk in that which appears impossible. The impossible is precisely where God works, this is how we move out and take dominion. Trust God and step into “impossible”. (Matthew 19:26, Luke 18:27,Proverbs 3:6) SHALOM
Don’t take your words lightly, Proverbs 4:23,24 says “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life”. Put away from you a deceitful mouth, and put perverse lips far from you. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”. Jesus tells us in Matthew 12:37, “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned. Your words will either cause you to go over or to go under. What are you saying? SHALOM
Prayer is the beginning of communication with our heavenly father. If we fail to cultivate the habit of prayer; of receiving direct revelation from God, we leave ourselves open to accepting and being guided by worldly information. A personal revelation from God brings transformation to our lives, lay aside things without merit and cultivate an atmosphere of worship. Is Life Challenging, Yes!, but the more we talk with and listen to God in prayer, the more revelation we receive. (1st Chronicles 16:11) SHALOM
Don’t be timid or fearful, if you desire to see change in your life, situations or circumstances, line up your words, which is seed, planted in your heart or spirit, with what God says. Our words contain Gods’ creative power, Jesus said in John 6:63.. the words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life. Hebrews 4:12, speaks about the word being living and powerful… In Genesis 1:3… God said… and it was so. Agree with what God says about you. SHALOM
June 3rd
We take on so much, there is this internal struggle that if we don’t Do, nothing will get done. God does not want us distracted and excessively obsessed with the cares of this world. The Lion King came to my mind the other day, and I remembered this song “Hakuna Matata” that is a Swahili phrase translated as “No Worries” in English “no problem” akin to “don’t worry, be happy”. (Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6; 1st Peter 5:7; Jeremiah 32:17) God does not sleep!SHALOM
May 31st
Well done to all who have persevered to this stage of Bible School. It has been a challenge, but also an opportunity for us all to be stretched in many areas. God is so faithful, He knows exactly what is needed in our lives in order for us to grow. We just have to be willing to fall in line and allow the stretching to take place. When you stand at the finish line and look back at what you have accomplished, there will be such a sense of achievement. “By Gods’ Grace.” (Philippians 1:2)SHALOM
May 27th
Genesis 1:27 tells us that we are created in the image of God, and God has never uttered anything frivolous. The Lord Jesus Himself tells us, in Matthew 12:36, for every idle word that we speak we will give an account in the day of judgement. Scriptures clearly tell us that death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21) As believers it is crucial that we cultivate correct speech. (Colossians 3:16) SHALOM
May 27th
THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD (to feed, guide,and shield me) I shall not lack! Psalm 23
Lord – A person who has authority, control or power over others, a master chief or ruler. A leader or has great influence
Shepherd – A person who protects, guides or watches over a person or groups of people. He watches over carefully.
To Feed – sustenance, nourishment = provision….John 6:57
To Guide – direct, instruct = supervision …..Proverbs 2:6
To Shield – covering, safeguard = protection…..Psalm 91:1,2
When you acknowledge AND accept Jesus as Lord, you receive His all.SHALOM
May 22nd
Blog by Kassandra
‘Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’ 2 Kings 6:16
I have read this scripture before, but having read this in line with the doctrine on Angels its of great comfort to know that God surrounds us with His heavenly host of Angels. Everywhere we go, we are protected! ‘For He shall give His angels charge over you, To keep you in all your ways’ Psalm 91:11
May 21st
The word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path(Psalm 119:105), the word of God which is the revealed will of God enlightens your darkness.(Psalm 18:28) Ask God to “Light a fire for His word in your heart.” Seek Him; and as you do, He reveals His perspective on all situations you face and decisions you must make. Only God can give true illumination, and this must be a daily walk, a continuous undertaking to live in the light of Gods’ word. SHALOM
Take Heed to thyself by Susie Djan
“Take heed to thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this you shall both save thyself, and them that hear thee” (1 Timothy 4:16). An invaluable characteristic of the early church was their devotion to the study of doctrine in order to know, understand and apply the Word of God (Truth) in their daily life and service.
The Apostle Paul says in 2 Timothy 4:3,4 that, “the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn away their ears from the truth.” In these times, there is an attack on sound Biblical doctrine and a turning to the philosophies of men and the doctrines of devils in society. Unfortunately there is also a great deficit in Christian maturity because many Christians don’t know the Word of God.
The Spirit expressly spoke: “ that in the latter days some shall depart from THE FAITH, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” ( 1 Timothy 4:1). Hence there is a tremendous need to maintain sound doctrine, and indeed of “ contending for THE FAITH once delivered to the saints” (Jude 3)
Hence we need to take seriously and apply ourselves to the Scripture which says we are to ‘Study and be eager and do your utmost to present yourself to God approved (tested by trial), a workman who has no cause to be ashamed, correctly analyzing and accurately dividing [rightly handling and skillfully teaching] the Word of Truth.’ 2 Timothy 2:15. (AMP)
To handle the Scriptures correctly, we have to study, meditate and pray. We need to be desirous of the true Word daily in our lives and be diligent in reading and putting into practice what we read through faith. Every Christian must aim to be approved by God in this way. In this way we take ‘heed to ourselves and to the doctrine and continue in them’. Susie